We are so excited to welcome you back for our fitness and wellness services with a modified schedule and a few updates to keep you safe and healthy. We are committed to maintaining a safe and stress-free environment for all guests and team members and we will continue to closely monitor government policy updates and CDC guidelines and make adjustments as necessary.

Here’s what you need to know:

Your safety is our top priority. Our studio has endured critical cleaning measures prior to reopening. We will continue to do so in addition to thoroughly sanitizing equipment, door handles, bathroom, countertops, and seating before, during and after each customer visit. Hand sanitizer will be available at the front desk and throughout the studio. Kindly sanitize your hands with the sanitizer or wash your hands upon entering the studio. 

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home! We will reimburse you without penalty if you are not feeling well. You will need doctor's clearance before your next visit. 

All clients will be required to complete a COVID-19 screening and liability waiver. You can download this form from our website and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment or one will be provided for you upon arrival.

We are so excited to welcome you back! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Well Wishes,

Joelle and Danielle